Nov 21, 2008

The First Days of School

My first days of school where the nicest. I met my colleagues and I founded out that I understand pretty well with them. The good thing was that we were 4 guys instead of 5 like it supposed to be. One of our colleagues tooked the doocuments to take his chamber, he payed the rent for one month and after that he left and he never camed back. So the secretary coulden't bring someone else in his place because he payed the rent and because he tooked with him the documents.

When I went to the Faculty of Informatics for the first time I founded out that I have some old friends in my groupe. So after we finished school in that day we went to drink a coffe or a juice (for those who didn't want do dink a coffe) and we talked about what we did after we las saw. In this way I had the chance to make some new friends.

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