Nov 21, 2008

Leaving the hostel and moving to a flat

The bad luck started on me at 23 October when I founded out that I where evacuated from the hostel. I founded out that they evacuated me because I downloaded a game on which I didn't had license. The most unpleasant thing is that nobody before was evacuated for something like that. When I started to talk with other colleagues and told them what I happened to me, their first reaction was to laught (and I told it to many people). I tryed to fix that problem but I understood that my only option was to move to a flat so I found out about a friend of my brother who had a chamber empty. On 27 October I moved all my things in my new nome. As an end of this trublesome bad luck, the sun started to shine again for me because I have where to stay.

The First Days of School

My first days of school where the nicest. I met my colleagues and I founded out that I understand pretty well with them. The good thing was that we were 4 guys instead of 5 like it supposed to be. One of our colleagues tooked the doocuments to take his chamber, he payed the rent for one month and after that he left and he never camed back. So the secretary coulden't bring someone else in his place because he payed the rent and because he tooked with him the documents.

When I went to the Faculty of Informatics for the first time I founded out that I have some old friends in my groupe. So after we finished school in that day we went to drink a coffe or a juice (for those who didn't want do dink a coffe) and we talked about what we did after we las saw. In this way I had the chance to make some new friends.

Surprise Surprise

When I had to go to take the keys to my chamber and to get my things I founded out that in my chamber was the Cashier and I coulden't get my things inside until the first day of school which was Wednesday. The hard part was that I had all the bagages with me thinking that I could move there right away but in exchange I had to leave my stuff on other colleagues chambers and to sleep where I could until Wednesday. So for three days I went to sleep from a chamber to another. I even slept one night in my brothe's hostel which was in Tudor. I'm not upset anymore for that because it passed away, but it's pretty fishy to find out that in one of the chambers where students had to stay, was satying the Cashier. the good thing is that it satyed only until the first day of school .

My fist steps as a Student

My fist steps as a student were when I had to register at the college and choose a student hostel.
I choosed to stay at the student hostel C8 which is verry close to the college. When I choosed the hostel I lost a few minutes to think which chamber should I choose. I was worried that I may not understand well with my chamber colleagues so at the start I searched on the list to see if I know someone. It seemed that I didn't know any of them so I chooosed a chamber at random. And that was about all for that day.

What's Your Favourite Type Of Music ?

My favourite type of music is rock.
My top ten songs are:
1)Poets of the Fall - Revolution Roulette
2)Poets of the Fall - Looking up the Sun
3)Cargo - Poate Daca Ploaia s-ar opri
4)Metallica - Mama Said
5)Within Temptation - Stand My Ground
6)Metallica - The Unforgiven
7)Ozzy Osbourne - Dreamer
8)Queen - I Want to Break Free
9)Queen - We are the Champions
10)Queen - We will Rock You

What do you believe of them and what is your favourite type of music ?

Why Do You Play Poker ?

I primarily play poker for the competitive aspect. I like the competition, and I want to be better so I can outsmart other players. (that part is ego, of course) The money involved is just about keeping score in a universally agreed upon manner. Frankly, I could play golf and bet on that, and that would still allow me the same reward, I suppose.

Knowing why I play poker is helpful when people suggest that I go play to loose my money. But somehow poker is nothin without math. Many people believe that poker is only a game of luck, but those who played for enough know that poker represents 25% luck and 75% knowledge. Frankly, sitting and playing a required number of hands on a table makes you read your opponents, which is verry important.

People will always be learning poker, and my priority is learning how to play well over crushing games to relieve the "fish" of their cash.

And that brings me back to why I play poker: because it's something infinitely complex that requires study and learning. As you get older you tend to get a little egotistical, like you've got it all figured out. It's nice to have a puzzle that requires you to constantly look at it, to figure out its secrets, and poker, and the poker players you play against, are all little puzzles.

Shuffle up and deal.

Nov 20, 2008

Harley Davidson - One of the bests motorcycles

One of the things I love are the motorcycles.
I especially like Harley Davidson because they have a very soft chair, when you drive them you feel a small tension on yoour legs anh hands that keep you focused on the road and the nicest thing on them is that they make a specific noise that makes you feel strong.

The history of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle began in Milwaukee in 1903. In Milwaukee, Bill Harley and Arthur Walter Davidson developed a one-cylinder motorcycle. Around the turn of the century the gasoline engine was developed and the one-cylinder motor was introduced. In 1901 the Indians were the first motorcycles and in 1903 Mitschell, Merkel and Yale.
This motorcycle was initially built for racing and was powered by a one-cylinder gasoline combustion engine...
If you want to find out more visit

The oficial site where you can find out everything about them is